Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Bellringer 10/8/13

1. Do you agree or disagree with changing the name? Defend your position in one paragraph.

      The name change is really an irrelevant issue. With all the problems this country is facing right now, an NFL team name change should be on the bottom of the things to worry about. Nevertheless, I disagree that we should actually change the name, but for the sake of sparing the feelings of others, they could easily just change it. It wouldn't take much effort, and it would save a lot of time and problems just to change the name to something the people wouldn't find offensive. In my opionion though, the name is classic and traditional, and I believe that it should stay. Nobody focuses on what the racial term means, except for the people who feel the need to complain over an issue nobody has cared about for decades.

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