Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bellringer 10/16/13

1. Should the two girls be charged? yes or no and explain your answer

Yes, the girls should be charged. Obviously, they tormented the girl enough to kill herself, so they should feel the same torment in a juvenile detention facility.

2. What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony?

The gravity of the crime and it's effect is the major difference. Also, the charge and punishment are a deciding factor on the difference issue.

3. What one thing do you think should be done to combat bullying?

I think we should either lessen the punishment to the kids that fight back to bullying, or increase the punishment to the ones who are doing the bullying. Make an example out of the bullies and see if that changes anything. Plus, if we lessen the punishment of those who fight back, that may fix something. Truth hurts, but there's a big difference between lying down and taking it or a swift punch in the face.

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