Thursday, October 31, 2013

Trick-Or-Treat:  Labeling, Irony, Analogy
Message: The world today has changed for the worse than years before.

White House Halloween: Labeling, Analogy, Symbolism
Message: The people feel the white house "tricks" them instead of helping them.

Halloween: Symbolism, Analogy, Exaggeration, Labeling
Message: Ted Cruz as president freightens people.

I'm a Pirate: Exaggeration, Symbolism
Message: People are reacting negatively to the Tea Partiers.

Web Site: Symbolism, Analogy, Labeling, Irony
Message: The health care site is dark and untrustworthy.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

1. Go to the following link:

Write five questions you have about the cartoon, and then categorize your questions into one of the following categories:

  • Cartoon's Message- The boulder pushing scandel has caused a large stir with voters.
  • Subject of the Cartoon- The Boulder Pushing Boy Scout Leaders
  • Use of Images or Artistic Techniques- Boulder Pushers, Government Building, and the Elephant as the friend along with the Police with the word "voters" on his arm.
2. Review the following guide to analyzing political cartoons: http://w
Post a summary of the steps from this site to your blog.
  1. Focus
  2. Interaction
  3. Audience
  4. Context
  5. Symbols
  6. Details 

Complete the Practice and Test Yourself. Provide an explanation on your blog post about each of the five techniques that political cartoonists use to make their point.
The analogy is another way of saying the meaning of the picture. Irony shows how there is an effect in the situation. Symbolism shows the important symbols. Exaggeration, shows exactly what the name implies, the exaggerated parts of the photo. Labeling is used to make the activity in the photo more clear.
Bellringer 10/29/13

1. Do you feel the "fat test" is legal?
I believe are soldiers should be in the best shape as possible, so yes it is legal.

2. Does your weight make you "fit"?
I believe so, yes.

3. How would you handle this issue if you were the government?
I wouldn't handle it at all. It's their choice to make modifications to their body, and we need fit, muscular soldiers.
Bellringer 10/28/13

1. Read the article and write your initial response.

I think the author has a valid point, but he's going to need some more hard details and followers to make any real difference to what he's saying.

2. Do you feel that the writer is correct in his opinion?

In a way, yes.

3. Why do you feel their is still an issue with the confederate flag still nearly 150 years later?

It is shown as a symbol of racism that still worries people today, but mostly it's just used to show good ol' country folks.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Based on your responses, YOU are a… Post-Modern

Along with 13% of the public

Overall, your political values are closest to those of a…Moderate Republican

Your PERSONAL issues Score is 70%

Your ECONOMICS issues Score is 100%

This quiz has been taken 20,036,031 times

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Bellringer 10/22/13

1. Do you believe this is a frivolous law suit? Why or why not?
I believe it's a ridiculous law suit. Why on earth would a car crash 4 years ago have anything to do with someone being stupid enough to topple a formation in a state park. The man deserves any punishment he gets.
2, On another note, do you believe the men who toppled the rock should be charged with destruction of property? Why or Why not? 

Yes, because he defaced a national park. Those are park of the park and a monument that took millions of years to make. If he really wants something from a court, maybe it should be a mental disorder, because that's the way he acted and continues to act.
Does Video Violence Effect The Teen Brain?


            The discussion of whether or not video violence is affecting young people has been around for quite a while now. It has been accused of being the main cause of many accidents involving teens, yet it has also been shown to be positive in some areas of the brain. Has the video age had a positive or negative influence on the teenage world today, or are we worried about something with a deeper underlying cause?
            Video violence has amassed itself into society today in a big way. Everywhere you look you can see a commercial or advertisement for a violent videogame or movie. The problem is, most parents or older citizens believe that this wave of technology is disastrously harming our younger generation. Is this true or false? Well, to answer that question, we’ll have to take a deeper look into the teenage mind itself.
            The first issue we should discuss is violence in videogames. This is the classic issue that has had parents frazzled and debating whether or not children should be exposed to these things. Ultimately, the answer will come down to what the parent decides for that child, but how does this affect the rest of our society? Well, for starters, when the first Grand Theft Auto game emerged, crime rates dropped a little more than fifty percent. That’s correct, after this violent videogame released, crime rates were cut in half. This crime rate was dropped not only by adults, but mischievous teens as well. The reason for this is actually quite simple. The violent videogame became an outlet. It was an outlet for anger, aggression, and other thoughts not beneficial to the outside world. The cause of most violence in teenagers comes from pent up rage or depression that they have no way to express out of fear, social anxiety, or possibly even a lack of trust in the world. Teenage years are the years of puberty, changes, and generally feeling strange or different. That means that it may be harder for some to adapt to these changes and feel unaccepted. This was the key for the videogames to take over. It gave them an escape from a reality and an entrance to a new life in a way. Speaking now on the accidents that occur with the blame of violent media, why is that always the first thing that people would jump to for blame? In most cases where a teen has committed a crime, violent videogames were blamed. Underneath though, most of the teens had some form of mental illness or instability that was also known! Now, could that be the actual cause of these violent and sporadic outbursts in our younger generation? Perhaps, like most cases, the child was abused or neglected resulting in another form of instability? Instead though, we turn our faces from that point and look towards blaming a visual media outlet. There has never been a proven case in which violent outbreaks immediately stemmed from a violent videogame. Always, there has been the underlying cause of mental issues. Does that not sound like a more reasonable explanation to this issue of teen violence instead of blaming an insentient object that has no actual control over teen thoughts?
            Risk factors are not only worried about from violent media, but from other causes too. These are also worried about from internet usage. Now, this is stemmed from parents spending more time with their children as well. If parents spend more time with their kids, it is proven that they will feel more accepted and participate more in school and other activities instead of risk behaviors. This is where the internet issue takes over. If parents are worried about what their children see online, then the closer the bond they have with their kids will allow them to monitor and control what they do or see on the internet. In most cases though, the internet is a helpful life tool, not a monster found on computers or smartphones. Finally, we need to speak about intelligence, which is also another stem from the parent issue. When parents spend more time with their children, they can help them in school or get them the proper tutoring they need. Yes, intelligence does  come from genetics in most cases, but a healthy parental relationship and school system can do just as much for the kids as any genetics could.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bellringer 10/16/13

1. Should the two girls be charged? yes or no and explain your answer

Yes, the girls should be charged. Obviously, they tormented the girl enough to kill herself, so they should feel the same torment in a juvenile detention facility.

2. What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony?

The gravity of the crime and it's effect is the major difference. Also, the charge and punishment are a deciding factor on the difference issue.

3. What one thing do you think should be done to combat bullying?

I think we should either lessen the punishment to the kids that fight back to bullying, or increase the punishment to the ones who are doing the bullying. Make an example out of the bullies and see if that changes anything. Plus, if we lessen the punishment of those who fight back, that may fix something. Truth hurts, but there's a big difference between lying down and taking it or a swift punch in the face.
Bellringer 10/15/13

simply read the article and respond

how do we keep events like this from happening? 

Honestly, there isn't much you can do in a situation like this. We could place the janitor in jail to set an example of her actions. Other than that, there are always crazy people in this world that will do crazy things. One of those things being hiring 4th grade hitmen.
Bellringer 10/14/13

Summarize the article, and explain how this protest differed from earlier protests at the WWII Memorial.

The article is about a protest going on about how the closing of national monuments because of the government shutdown is unjust. People cut the links off the fence and entered. This is what made this protest different from the others. These people showed more force and enthusiasm towards their cause.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Bellringer 10/11/13

1. Is it fair to force the states to pay something that is the responsibility of the national government?
No it's not! It isn't the states fault that our government can't get themselves together and work out an issue. That's on their heads and they need to be the ones to pay for it.

2. go to and look at the most visited national parks in the United States. Then select which of the parks you would most like to visit and tell why.

I myself would like to visit Yosemite. It's a beautiful area with plenty of places to explore. It is the park that easily peaks my interest with just a few pictures.
Bellringer 10/10/13

1. What does this say about the state of our legislative branch?

It says they aren't thought much more fondly than dirt, and rightfully they shouldn't be at this point.

2. If you were the Speaker of the House, how would you rectify this situation?

I would try to rectify this situation and get the government back on track, instead of being a bunch a whiny chunks of decomposing baby fat!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Bellringer 10/8/13

1. Do you agree or disagree with changing the name? Defend your position in one paragraph.

      The name change is really an irrelevant issue. With all the problems this country is facing right now, an NFL team name change should be on the bottom of the things to worry about. Nevertheless, I disagree that we should actually change the name, but for the sake of sparing the feelings of others, they could easily just change it. It wouldn't take much effort, and it would save a lot of time and problems just to change the name to something the people wouldn't find offensive. In my opionion though, the name is classic and traditional, and I believe that it should stay. Nobody focuses on what the racial term means, except for the people who feel the need to complain over an issue nobody has cared about for decades.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Bellringer 10/7/13

1.. What does this say about our national security?

It says that even though we have greatly advanced in our technology and security, there are still holes and flaws that will allow mishaps to happen.

2. Are you surprised that something like this could happen in 2013?

Yes, but not so much. I am bit surprised that a 9-year old could accomplish this task, but it is understood that accidents happen. The only thing to do now is move on and work harder.