Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Bellringer  9/10/13

1. Identify the motivations that McDonald's has for offering this large multi-person meal.

It's sales are either down or flat in the last 3 months, so McDonald's is looking for a way to redefine a family value meal to turn profit around.

2. Approximate the number of calories in this meal and divide by two. Could this have an affect on the obesity rate.

I'd say the whole thing would be around 2000-2500 calories, and if you don't think this will have a large effect on obesity, you are a moron.

3. Do you predict that other fast food businesses will follow this trend? Justify your answer.

Yes, but only if it works and is profitable. The fast food industry focuses on money, so that will be the deciding factor in the follow the leader trend.

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