Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Plessy V. Ferguson:

Summary: Plessy attempted to sit in an all-white train car. He was ordered to move to the back but refused to do as he was told. Plessy was arrested for violating an 1890 Louisiana statute that provided for segregated “separate but equal” railroad accommodations. Ferguson presided over the court which found Plessy guilty. Plessy filed a petition for writs of prohibition and certiorari in the Supreme Court of Louisiana against Ferguson, asserting that segregation stigmatized blacks and stamped them with a badge of inferiority in violation of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth amendments. The court found for Ferguson and the Supreme Court granted cert. 

Verdict: States can continually enact "separate but equal" facilities

Opinion: I dont believe that this is right. If we're equal, then why do we need to be separated. If people are intolerable of others simply because of the color of one's skin, maybe they're the ones who should be separated from our society.

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