Friday, February 7, 2014

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln

When the thought of presidents comes into mind, I’m willing to bet that Abraham Lincoln is amongst the first names on that list. He is easily one of the most influential and notable presidents ever. This is the man that gave the Gettysburg Address. This is the man that freed the slaves. This is the man who came from near nothing, and became the president of these United States.

Lincoln was born in a simple log cabin in Kentucky on February, 12 1809. As a child, he taught himself to read, and would often give speeches to his friends or family members. His reign of presidency began on the date of March 1861. In his time in office, he gave the Gettysburg Address, and the Emancipation Proclamation. His actions resulted in the freeing of slaves from most states. It is because of these actions he earned the name “The Great Emancipator.” Sadly though, his life was cut short when he was assassinated on April 16, 1865 by John Wilkes Booth in a theatre.

            Lincoln’s credentials are impressive, but here are some things about Lincoln’s life that you may not know. Before Lincoln was assassinated, he created the Secret Service only hours before his death. Even though it is named after him, Abe never actually slept in the Lincoln Bedroom in the White House. Lincoln personally test fired rifles outside the White House. The last little known fact about Abraham is that he is actually inducted into the Wrestling Hall of Fame. It was reported that Lincoln lost only won match in a total of three hundred.
Bell Ringer 2/7/14

President Obama is falling short of helping the economy in any way. The job market, income, taxes and many other issues continue to plague the U.S. and our president isn't doing anything helpful to stop the issue.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Bellringer 2/5/14   Do you agree or disagree with this change? Why/Why Not?

Yes I do agree with this change completely. People abuse welfare and food stamps all the time now, so anything that takes away from their over-pampered living habit is for the better. It also helps with the dental and health problems we have in WV. Maybe with less sugar in their system people wont have rotten teeth or a swollen gut.