Monday, January 13, 2014

Midterm Part I
1.       List the five freedoms protected by the First Amendment. Freedom of Press, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Petition, The Right to Assembly
1.       List four of the five rights that are protected by the Fifth Amendment
Grand Jury, Double-Jeopardy, Self-Incrimination, Legal Proceeding
1.      What amendment adds unwritten powers to the states? __10th______

4.  The Third amendment prohibits the government from forcing citizens to ____House Soldiers_____

1.       Unreasonable bail and no Cruel or unusual punishment are prevented from occurring by the ____8th____ amendment.
The right to jury trial in most civil cases is guaranteed by the _______7th_________ Amendment

1.       The right to keep and bear arms is protected by the _________2nd_________ Amendment.
2.       The right to protection from unreasonable searches and seizures is protected by the ____4th______ Amendment.
3.      The Constitution gives the people rights that aren’t written down in the __________ Amendment
4.       A speedy and fair trial is guaranteed by the _____6th________ Amendment.
5.      Give two examples of unwritten powers that the states have.
1.       How many amendments have been made to the Constitution since the Bill of Rights was added.? ___17____
2.       How many of the amendments from question 12 are still “effective” today? ________25____
3.       What year was the Bill of Rights ratified (passed)? ________________
Dec. 15, 1791

Midterm Part II
1.       Who serves as president of the Senate?
A.      Pro-Tempore     B. Vice President     C. Most Senior Senator D. Appropriations Chair
2.       How long is US Senators’ term of office?  _____6 years_______
3.       Why did colonists issue the Declaration of Independence?____________To declare freedom from Great Britain because King George III refused to assent laws____________ ________________________________________________________________________
4.       What branch of government is responsible for regulating trade?____________________
5.       Where is the right to trial by jury located in the Constitution?_________7th Amendment______________
6.       What was the name of the first “Constitution?”______________Articles of Confederation____________________
7.       What are the main parts of the Declaration of Independence?___________The Constitution, and Signitures___________ ________________________________________________________________________
8.       Due process of law is guaranteed by what two Constitutional amendments? ____5th/14th_______
9.       How many amendments have been made to the Constitution? ___________10___________
10.   What five rights are protected by the First Amendment? __________Speech, Religion, Assembly, Petition, Press_________________ _________________________________________________________________________
11.   How long is a US Representative’s term of office?
A.      8 years     B. 6 years     C. 4 years     D. 2 years
12.   If president dies, who becomes president? ______________Vice President________________________
13.   If vice president dies, who becomes president?_______________Secretary of State_____________________
14.   Where is the Supremacy Clause located at in the Constitution?__________Article Six_____________
15.   The US has three branches of government, they are:
A.      Legislative, Executive, State
B.      Legislative, State, Judicial
C.      State, Judicial, Executive
D.      Legislative, Executive, Judicial ß---
16.   What term is used to describe power being shared between the branches of government?________________Federaism________________________________________________
17.   How long are federal judges appointed for? ________________As long as they aren’t impeached_______________________
18.   What branch of government is responsible for establishing the lower courts?

A.      Judicial     B. State     C. Legislative     D. Executive