Friday, November 22, 2013

Shay Mitchell + Charles Nelson
Per. 3 Civics
Lack of Volunteerism Address
Eleven Score and seventeen years ago, our forefathers experienced a severe lacking. This lacking was the lacking of volunteerism. People in this day and age will do near nothing without monetary compensation for their actions. The actions done out of the goodness of people’s hearts has shrunken to an all-time low. What are we to do in this downfall of volunteerism? Well, let me tell you now not to give up hope. The solution is simple my friends, we must encourage others to get out and volunteer. Yes, with the way people think, it may be hard at some times to convince others. This does not mean we should give up though. The give up attitude is what got us into this situation in the first place!
The volunteerism drop isn’t exactly a surprise at this point in time, but it isn’t the end of the world. It’s not difficult to convince others to volunteer, or maybe you could even do some volunteer work yourself. Turning around a problem like this isn’t that difficult, but it is a problem that needs to be addressed and focused on. People need help, and others need o help them once in a while.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Bellringer 11/6/2013


read the article and write a paragraph stating whether you agree or disagree with Kmart's decision.  Make sure you include specific examples to support your cause.

I disagree with the decision, but I understand where the issue stands. The company wanted to reach out to their customers and give them the "Seasonal In-Store Shopping," but it neglected to think of their employees for the most part. I understand that the hours are delayed and they will also include volunteers, but in the end they should just let them be with their family. In the end, does K-mart even get all that business? I mean seriously, does anyone get that excited over K-mart being open?


Contrast this with US laws and how they handle gay rights.

Gay rights are becoming one of the most annoying issues in the nation. The laws on them differ in that they don't want the gay community supported in the games, whereas they are more supported in the U.S. We have the laws against gay marriage, but from what I can tell, Russia doesn't even want them to be seen in public in the Olympics.

Bellringer 11/4/13 

1. What effect will tough requirements such as this have on voters?
It will make voting more difficult, which in turn, will cause less people to actually apply to vote.

2. Can these requirements violate the rights of voters?
In most ways, no. That doesn't change the fact that most of the requirements are unnecessary and laborious.