Thursday, August 29, 2013

Bellringer 8/29/13     Martin Luther King Jr.  "I Have A Dream" Speech

“We cannot walk alone. And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead. We cannot turn back.”

I think this line of the speech is very important to his cause. He intends to show people that to make his speech a reality, we must all work as one to solve the problem at hand. During the time of racism and segregation it was very important for the blacks to stick together and support each other. Also, this line includes whites needing to accept the blacks and support them as well. "We cannot turn back" means that once their movement begins, they cannot stop until their major goal of ending racism has been accomplished. This line was very powerful, and it's meaning was a major influence of the cause.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Bellringer 8/27/13

1. Should the two boys be tried as adults? why or why not?

Yes they should. If the teenagers want to commit crimes such as robbery and murder, they should be tried as robbers and murderers. Their age should mean nothing with such a serious case.

2. Should their identity remain undisclosed or since the crime is heinous? justify your answer?

No, they should be revealed. Obviously these teens are dangerous and people should have the abbility to be on watch for them. It's a safety risk not to expose them.

3. What can we as a society do to keep crimes like this from happening?

We could try and steer teens in the right direction, and also show them the consequences of their actions no matter what age they are. They need to know that these are serious issues.